Tom Jones, a veteran of four Space Shuttle missions spanning 11 years, thought deeply about the mysteries of alien spacecraft before joining the U.S. Space Agency. He said he had solved the mystery of the “Tether Incident.”
The story was about an artificial satellite tethered to a space shuttle breaking down.
Photographs later taken by astronauts said onlookers said it appeared to be a swarm of hundreds of UFOs, appearing like creatures swimming in the ocean.
But conspiracy theorists will not be satisfied that Mr. Jones has “conclusively proven” what the astonishing sight was.
In a 2016 “Ask an Astronaut” column for Smithsonian Aeronautics and Space Magazine, he discussed the long-standing question of whether he and other astronauts ever saw real spacecraft in orbit.
Conspiracy theorists say many NASA astronauts and employees have seen UFOs and alien signatures, and while some have whistleblowed, others have remained silent for fear of what might happen. It is said that some people remain as they are.
Those who have spoken publicly include the late Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the moon, who said he had evidence that an alien race was in contact with the U.S. government. Ta.
But Mr. Jones was unconvinced by the testimony of Mr. Mitchell and other whistleblowers. He said the explanation for the mysterious sightings was simpler.
“Astronauts have not seen any evidence of extraterrestrial life. Reports of unidentified flying objects in images returned from the Shuttle and the (space) station include ice crystals, orbiting debris, and lightning bolts. It turned out to be a flash of light, or a meteor piercing the earth.” Below, the atmosphere is dark.
“So far, our search for extraterrestrial life and other civilizations in the universe has found no evidence of alien civilizations.”
Jones concluded the 1996 Tether incident after numerous reports of UFO sightings by crew members.
“I was aboard Shuttle Columbia (STS-80) and even wrote a blog entry called ‘Did UFOs Visit Shuttle Columbia?'” he said. I mean, when we came back from that mission in 1996, NASA said to the people who were watching the video (then on NASA TV), “Hey, there’s a spacecraft in the Shuttle video. “What does NASA have to say?” I received several inquiries. “”
The former astronaut said NASA’s public relations team sometimes referred the whistleblower to him because he was a member of the crew.
He added about the Tether incident. “I watched the video and thought, ‘Oh, I see what this is. This is just an ice crystal that was floating next to the ship during the first few days of the flight.'”
“What to some people looked like a spaceship sailing across the starry sky was no event at all to those of us looking out the window. It was very important.”
His last Space Shuttle mission was STS-98 in February 2001, where he led three spacewalks to install equipment for the International Space Station.
In addition to opening up the mystery of the tether incident, Jones added that no other astronaut has ever confessed to seeing an alien spacecraft.
He added: “Indeed, there is no problem with the spacecraft.
“There have been several astronauts who have vocally claimed to know from others that there is evidence that UFOs and spacecraft have visited Earth in the past, and that the government may be withholding it. I understand.”
“They all seem to be secondhand, or they witnessed something they saw in orbit, but probably couldn’t explain at the time. And that’s where the story seems to stop.”