As recycling claims come into question, verifiable data is critical for companies to report recycling results. Circular Solutions Advisors (CSA) and Plastiks are combining recycling expertise with innovative blockchain technology to demystify reporting with accurate and transparent results. The companies announced the partnership at the World Recycling Congress in Rome.
“Verification of plastic waste collection and recycling is crucial to ensure transparency in sustainability efforts and the adoption of a circular economy through blockchain. This ensures transparency and trust. , greenwashing is prevented,” explained André Vanney Robin, Founder and CEO of Plastiks.
Tracking plastic throughout the recycling process is a challenge for even the most dedicated companies. The blockchain-based platform created by Plastiks allows businesses and factories to validate their plastic recovery efforts by tracking and documenting collection for reuse.
“Authenticity is at the heart of our Circular Economy Report,” said JT Marburger, CEO of CSA. “For many years, we have supported organizations to divert materials from landfills and validate their recycling efforts. With this partnership, we take us to a new level and ensure that no step is overlooked. Masu.”
Although blockchain technology is often associated with cryptocurrencies, this database technology has much broader applications. Blockchain technology securely records recycling transactions, ensures the integrity of publicly accessible data, and establishes a trusted foundation for green claims reporting and regulatory compliance to corporate stakeholders .